Wiha Color Coded Nut Setters

Everyone has a socket set and typically that’s what I would reach for when I needed to tighten or loosen a bolt, until I discovered Nut Setters. While I was installing a clamp rack over head tightening the bolts by hand with a socket set, I knew there had to be a better way. I turned to KC Tool website and started to look around. I am a huge Wiha fan so I began to look there and found this Color Coded Magnetic Bit Setters set, man are they sweet! If you have ever installed something over your shoulder height tightening with a rachet you know my pain!

This 6-Piece Set is standard ¼” stock and includes 1/4, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16” coming in at 6”/152mm long. The color coding makes for easy access and is not some plastic sleeve but a heavy duty enamel paint, which is super nice. Being in upstate New York with the weather changing so frequently I really liked the shafts being solid and having a black oxide finish to prevent rust and corrosion. I can’t begin to talk about how rusty some stuff can get in the shop! Each bit has a strong magnet that helps hold the bolt or fastener in place, which is a nice feature, and the magnet is not weak by any measure.

They come in a vinyl pouch which is nice but I plan to put them in a more permanent home. While the vinyl sleeve works great to keep them together, if its cold at all they will break right through the bottom of the sleeve – don’t ask me how I know.

Nut Setters can be used for a variety of tasks other than just hanging a clamp rack! Need to drive a bolt into some concrete/cement or secure a lag into a stud, look for a nut setter. These nut setters would be perfect. It seems like I am constantly finding a new use for these nut setters!

Overall super nice set and happy to have them in my arsenal now. After never having a Nut Setter before I can truly say they are game changers. The high quality of them I am sure they will last a lifetime.


Milwaukee M18 Track Saw